Il BTNA – Big talk no Action … dimenticato dall’Italiano

Stavo cercando un estratto di un libro di Jeffrey Gitomer dove elencava i 18,5 motivi principali del fallimento della vendita…

 Ma non trovavo nulla. Ho così cercato in Inglese e mi sono imbattutonell’articolo originario in Inglese dove i motivi erano… 19,5 characteristic of Sales failures.

In italiano fosse ci eravamo “persi” il motivo principale il 19,5
BTNA – Big talk no action!!! Siamo già al 10 gennaio e per il 2014 è il tempo di agire!!!
Comunque riporto i motivi di fallimento per me più significativi che ricercavo…:
3. Failure to set and achieve goals. Failure to plan
    Failure to define and achieve specific long-term (what you want) and short-term (how you’re going to get what you want) goals.
6. Failure to master the total knowledge of your product
    Total product knowledge gives you the mental freedom to concentrate on selling.
7. Failure to learn and execute the fundamentals of sales
    Read, listen to CDs, attend seminars and practice what you’ve just learned. Everything you need to know about sales has already been written or spoken. Learn something new every day.
10. Can’t cope with change
    Part of sales is change. Change in products, tactics and markets. Roll with it to succeed. Fight it and fail.
11. Can’t follow rules
    Salespeople often think rules are made for others. Think they’re not for you? Think again. Broken rules will only get you fired.
17. Blaming others when the fault (or responsibility) is yours
    Accepting responsibility is the fulcrum point of succeeding at anything. Doing something about it is the criterion. Execution is the reward (not the money). Money is just the byproduct of perfect execution.
18. Lack of persistence
    You are willing to take no for an answer and just accept it without a fight. You are unable to motivate the prospect to act or are unwilling to persist through the seven to 10 exposures it takes to make the sale.
The 19.5th characteristic that leads to sales failure: BTNA – Big Talk No Action
Failure is not about insecurity. It’s about lack of execution. 
Grazie Gitomer.

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