Treat a prospect like a client – Agisci con un potenziale cliente come fosse un cliente consolidato

Grazie ad Andrew Sobol

How to Make It So

A client of mine in the energy supply business had been shut out of a major account for years. They sell what many describe as a “commodity”—that is, a uniform product you can get from many suppliers at an established market price.

My client was told there was absolutely no way they were going to get a piece of this account’s business—that the company was already well served. They refused to accept this, and continued to call on them. During that time they brought them a series of suggestions for how to more effectively use my client’s product and increase their productivity. They shared proprietary market information. They learned about the key priorities of the executives they were calling on, and helped each of them out in small ways.

After one year, the senior executive at the account told them, “We’re going to give you an order. We hadn’t planned on this. But for over a year you’ve treated us like a client even though you haven’t made a cent from the relationship. You’re giving us better service than some of our existing suppliers. You’ve earned this.” They subsequently became one of my client’s largest relationships.

This story illustrates a powerful relationship-building strategy: act like the future relationship you desire is already in place. Give a high-potential prospect the same care and love you’d lavish on an existing client.

In Power Relationships we call it Relationship Law Fifteen: Treat a prospect like a client, and there’s a good chance they’ll become one.

By the way, do you desire to have a great relationship with a friend or family member? Use this Law. Pretend you already have the loving relationship you aspire to. You’ll be generous, kind, and patient, and you’ll bring the other person along.

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